Camposol Cares from Farm to Family


Since its inception, Camposol has made the quality of its products integral to our mission. Our quality management system is based on the highest international standards. We strive for the best, and accept no less.

Camposol’s award-winning quality-management system is based on the highest international standards. We constantly monitor ourselves. Vertical integration – complete internal control of our supply chain from our fields to the supermarket shelf – is critical to our success. We meticulously manage each stage of growth, harvest and distribution, from the time the seed is planted until the final product is delivered to our customers worldwide. As a result, we are industry leaders in minimizing delivery time, consistently delivering top quality produce throughout the year and maintaining quality control at all times, in all parts of our company.

Awards 2019

Winner of Walmart Risk Taker Award 2019.

Granted the Non-Traditional Exporter of the Year prize by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru (Mincetur, in Spanish) and the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PromPerú, in Spanish).

Recognized in the Top 100 Merco CSR, a business monitor of corporate reputation.

Ranked second in the mining and energy category of the ProActivo 2019 awards for its Social Dialogue Model project.

First agroindustrial company in obtaining the Blue Certificate that the National Water Authority (ANA, in Spanish) grants.

First Peruvian agroindustrial company in being certified with the “5 S” Methodology the AOTS Peru grants.

Good labor practices (Social Dialogue Project) that are highlighted in the ETI and SHIFT reports.

Awards 2018

International Acknowledgement as Business of the Year to Camposol International - “The European Business Awards: The Netherlands”.

“Exports Peru 2017” award in the market diversification category – Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru (MINCETUR, in Spanish).

Exporting Excellence Award in the innovation category – ADEX.

Top 100 Merco Talent, corporate responsibility monitor.

Regional Ecosystem Dynamization Award Innovate Peru 2018.

Good Labor Practices Award 2018 – First place in the union freedom promotion and respect category; first place in the business management participation category, and second place in the Promotion of Equal Opportunities in Vulnerable Groups category - Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion of Peru.

Awards 2017

Golden category award “Seal on a safe company free of violence and discrimination against women” – Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru.

Good Labor Practices Award 2017 – First place in the union freedom promotion and respect category – Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion of Peru.

Certification of Good Employers Association (entrepreneurial partner) – American Chamber of Commerce – AMCHAM Peru.

Exporting Excellence Award in the market diversification category – Exporters Association (ADEX, in Spanish).

Exporting Excellence Award – ADEX.

Exporting Excellence Award in the sustainability category to Marinasol – ADEX.

Awards 2016

First place in “Where do I want to work– Peru 2016” award – Fish and agroindustry category - Peruvian Association of Human Resources (APERHU, in Spanish) and Arellano Marketing.

Acknowledgement to professional education and training contribution– SENATI – PIURA AREA.

First place in Business Creativity award, environmental care category – Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).

First place in National Environmental Award Antonio Brack EGG 2016, eco-efficiency category – Ministry of Environment of Peru.

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