5 Actions We Take to be Eco-Friendly
Posted On: May 1, 2019We care for our planet as much as you do. As an agribusiness we work directly with nature on a daily basis, and it’s become clear just how connected we all are. Only from a healthy and rich ecosystem maintained by a passionate team of staff can an all-natural product grow. In order that we can continue to supply quality fruit —from our fields to your family— we are constantly innovating and adopting sustainable practices. Here are just a few examples:
1. Water Management
We can pinpoint exactly where the water used to keep our crops hydrated comes from. From the snowy mountaintops of Peru the water funnels into the Chavimochic irrigation system, then goes through our water treatment plant. Once it has been ensured that it is clean, the water arrives to the fields by way of a drip irrigation system powered by gravity.
2. Natural Pest Control
From the leaves to the actual fruit, it’s only natural that some bugs want to take a bite our our plants. For the sake of our employees, the environment and ultimately you, it’s crucial that we employ an effective and natural pest control system in our fields. Thanks to the dedicated team of biologists at our on-site laboratory, MarVerde, we use natural bodyguards (meaning good bugs) to protect our plants from the bad bugs.
3. Foresting
From a barren desert to a sea of green, it took plenty of nurturing and a deep understanding that plants benefit other plants to make our lands in northern Peru what they are today. By seeding and planting starters of native and resilient flora —such as the carob tree, the coastal molle and the pink cedar—we provide local fauna with shelter and a source of nutrition, and even provide our crops with protection from the sun and wind.
4. Wildlife census
Walk through our fields and you’ll likely pass lizards, fox, owls, and countless other fauna— whether you are lucky enough to see them or not. By tracking the movements and arrivals of wildlife with an annual census we are able to see if and how our practices as an agribusiness are having an affect on the surrounding ecosystem.
5. Sustainability Report
It’s not easy being first, but we’ve never been afraid to be different if it means ensuring our practices are smart, safe and sustainable. In 2008 we published our first Sustainability Report, the first to be done by any Peruvian agro-industrial company. Now an annual report, it’s a transparent confirmation of our commitment to our employees and the communities in northern Peru, the environment and our consumers.