Camposol Cares from Farm to Family

A Growing Team

Posted On: June 8, 2018

One of the most valuable lessons we’ve learned over time is that the work experiences and insight that employees bring to each learning activity is an essential resource for our team development. Encouraging our employees to pursue their career growth and have the opportunity to attend and gain knowledge from training workshops is what keeps our team members motivated and ready to face new challenges. We had a chance to speak with a few engineers who are constantly attending training workshops and are also in charge of training some of our new recruits.



Eduardo Sandoval is a young agricultural engineer who’s been part of our team for more than two years. He’s in charge of supervising everything that goes on in the blueberry fields; from harvesting stages and pest control methods used to fight common fruit flies, to guiding harvesters in their day to day routine.



“I was glad to participate in the last Management and Leadership Training Course which taught us how to be great leaders by gaining personal insight and understanding ourselves in order to guide others,” says Eduardo. “You can’t expect to inspire other staff members if you’re not motivated. The workshop has taught us how to shape our self-perceptions through different exercises and be empathetic, flexible and integrative. In the activities we learn how to recognize different personality types and how to direct our energy to get the most out of all the members of our team.”

During the 10-day 90-hour training and development workshop, harvest, field and farm supervisors not only participate in diverse activities but also share their knowledge, skills and abilities with others. “Every topic we discuss during these workshops comes from our day to day work,” says Roberto Fernández, who’s been part of our team for the last 16 years collaborating in many different areas. “It is essential to see things from all points of view so that we can move forward and guide others the best we can.”



Both Eduardo and Roberto have attended various training sessions and workshops on topics such as the Chavimochic irrigation system, water conservation and pest control system. Like them, other team members prepare themselves for advancement and future leadership opportunities. “It’s not about getting the certifications for attending a training session, it’s about appreciating the chance to learn and improve on a day to day basis and helping others reach excellence.”

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