Grapes: How This Juicy Fruit Can Benefit Your Health
Posted On: October 7, 2019Is there anything better than a juicy bitesize snack that bursts with flavor when you pop it in your mouth?
We harvest a rainbow of table grapes—from red, green to purple—that are similarly provided with the basic elements that all of our crops receive: sun, water, and lots of nurturing from our community of workers both on and off the fields.
This month marks the beginning of harvest season for our grapes, meaning your fruit and leafy salads, smoothies, and lunchbox snacks are about to get an added boost of flavor, texture and nutrients.
For starters, there’s the polyphenols. This natural compound gives certain plant-based foods their unique shade. Whether they are red, green or purple, the skin and seeds of grapes are rich in polyphenols. Besides adding color, the micronutrient can also fight against diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and other ailments related to health.
In fact, you may have heard of resveratrol, a polyphenol that’s gained attention due to discussion surrounding health benefits of red wine. Of course, you can avoid the alcohol and receive the benefits right from the source by consuming grapes (skin intact( of any variety and color. Concentrated in the skin of the grape, resveratrol is believed to prevent blood clots, damage to blood vessels, and inflammation.
With a one-cup serving coming in at just over 100 calories, grapes are a smart addition to the diet to cut sugar cravings and boost heart health.