Camposol Cares from Farm to Family

Camposol the first Peruvian agroindustrial company in obtaining the “5 S” methodology certification

Posted On: October 16, 2019

Camposol obtained the “5 S” silver category certification after a tough external audit process. Such process was conducted at the end of September and thus made us become the first agroindustrial company in the country in obtaining this recognition.

For over three years, Camposol has been implementing the “5 S” methodology at the Chao plant and has obtained excellent results thanks to all its collaborators’ commitment and responsibility.

The 5 S methodology is a management model that intends to organize tasks by ensuring more efficient, cleaner, organized and safe working areas. Likewise, it attempts to promote a “better way of working” within the teams; i.e., to reformulate the daily performance by conducting a consecutive search of the 5 S, which are the initials of the following Japanese words: Seiri (classify), Seiton (organize), Seiso (clean), Seiketsu (standardize), and Shitsuke (discipline).

We congratulate the “5 S” team and all Camposol for this new certification!

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