Camposol Cares from Farm to Family

Non-GMO: What does it mean?

Posted On: November 5, 2019

Non-GMO: What does it mean?

What do we mean when we say our products are non-GMO? Simply put it means our crops are completely a part of nature. In order to understand how a piece of fruit or vegetable could be considered unnatural, we must first understand the meaning of a genetically modified organism (GMO).

Unlike our all natural fruit, a GMO is a living organism (i.e. plant, animal) whose genetic makeup has been deliberately modified to achieve certain traits. Perhaps the desire is to make the organism larger (commonly with stock animals) or to produce an insecticide (such as corn). Using transgenic techniques to transfer foreign genes into the host DNA, scientists are able to introduce a new product into the world’s food supply.



Because the act of genetically modifying plants is relatively new (the first was a tomato in 1994), there is no hard evidence regarding the health risks or benefits of consuming GMOs. As well, it’s largely unknown how the genes from a plant’s original DNA are affected by the additional genes and whether they are disrupted or not. Only time will tell if the consumption of GMOs, foreign elements to the natural diet, result in allergies or toxins.

Why do we want you to know we’re non-GMO?

As our consumer, you deserve complete transparency when it comes to the food enjoyed by yourself and your loved ones.

When we say our seasonal fruit is non-GMO, we mean that in no way have our crops been genetically altered. In other words, when you bring home Camposol fruit, you can rest assured that the blueberries, grapes or any of our fresh items are just as nature intended. And as a vertically integrated agribusiness, we’re able to ensure that. Our high standards for best practices for the environment, team members, surrounding communities and the final consumer are maintained throughout each process and area.


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