Vertical Integration: Leave Quality Up to Us
Posted On: April 1, 2019Do you ever think about how your food makes it all the way to your plate? At Camposol we’re proud to be in complete control of the supply chain, from our fields all the way to production and distribution stages. In the business world it’s known as vertical integration, and it means that as a company we can ensure sustainable practices lead to quality products. For you as a customer, it’s an added value of knowing where your food comes from and how it arrives.
As a vertically-integrated global produce company, we can guarantee that our products are all-natural and of top quality. How? By conscientiously managing each stage of growth, harvest and distribution from the moment the seeds are planted until they are transported and distributed around the world.
“Our innovation will always be driven by our effort to be more productive, sustainable and environmentally sensitive,” says Lizet Graterol, food industrial engineer and leader of our biological control area.
Thanks to our on-site team of biologists, Camposol crops are protected by an integrated pest management system instead of common pesticides, meaning we don’t put our employees, surrounding environment or consumers at risk. Elsewhere on the field, we are sure to track our water use, sourced from the neighboring Chavimochic irrigation system, and green our land with reforestation efforts.
Being in control of our supply chain also means keeping an eye on our produce once it enters the processing facility. Inside, every employee uses protective equipment such as special jackets, masks, helmets, gloves and boots in order to sort and grade each product.
“We are extremely careful that the highest food safety standards are met once our berries reach our processing facility,” says production manager Miguel Luna Victoria.
Last but not least, vertical integration has allowed us to oversee that our employees thrive in a positive work environment. The majority of our employees derive from the small communities surrounding our fields, and we value their time and effort. Throughout the year we provide opportunities for growth within the company, trainings, as well as support services and daycare for their children.
As a vertically integrated company, we can ensure sustainable practices are used to achieve quality products— from farm to family.