Camposol Cares from Farm to Family

When is the Best Time to Eat Fruit?

Posted On: June 1, 2019

With so much conflicting reports and opinions on the subject, the best advice is to find out what works for your individual body and digestive system.

From morning smoothies to midnight snacks, the days are filled with cravings for something sweet and refreshing that only fruit can satisfy. Do you ever pay attention however to the way your body reacts (and when) after you eat a few mandarins or a handful of blueberries?

While varying opinions and myths regarding the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ times to eat fruit circulate, they often contradict one another—causing a headache for readers rather than preventing a future stomachache.

Ask yourself the following set of questions in order that fruit consumption remains an energizing and pleasurable experience rather than a painful one:

Do you mix fruit with other foods?

Different foods digest at different paces (and even places!) in the digestive tract, which is why the act of pairing foods should consider more than just what flavors go well together. Because fruit digests much faster than meats and cheese, for example, some will experience bloating or gases from that irresistible charcuterie board or a chicken salad with dried fruit.

Foods that pair well with fruit for easy digestion? Try cooked oats or Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries, as both ingredients are full of fiber and easy for the body to digest.



Do you eat fruit right before or after a meal?

Besides their high value of vitamins, fruit makes for a smart snack choice due to the fiber content that can cause you to feel full faster. For this reason it’s a popular habit to eat a piece of fruit before or after a meal in hopes of eating less of the calorific food found in the main dish. Though it works for some, it can lead to an upset stomach for others as the fruit has not had time to completely digest before you start in on the meal, and vice versa.

How long should you wait to eat fruit? If you’ve experienced pain or uncomfortable sensations from eating fruit right before or immediately after a meal, keep a minimum of 30 minutes between your consumption of fruit and a meal.



Do you snack on fruit before bed?

That urge to satisfy a lingering sweet tooth after dinner is difficult to fight off, even if you’re already under the bed covers! A full stomach can help you sleep, but be careful with late night snacking as it can cause indigestion and consequently insomnia.

A smart snack for night owls? Half of an avocado! Avocado is loaded with the amino acid tryptophan. This increases serotonin (feel good chemicals) levels leading to a better quality of sleep.



As you can see, there’s no rule of thumb when it comes to the ‘best’ or ‘worst’ time to eat fruit— it all depends on what works for you personally.


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